Daniel Fast



“Fast for Insight from God”

SPIRITUAL GUIDELINES:  In the Book of Daniel there are two occasions when he went on a Fast; Daniel 1:8-13 and 10:1 – 3 (read both accounts). 

The Daniel Fast is for HEALTH and HEALING.  Because it is not one the “abstains” from all foods; it is considered a PARTIAL FAST (God’s Chosen Fast by Arthur Wallis, pgs. 21-24).  As with any Fast, prayer is a strong and required component. 


  • It is entered into for two physical reasons, as a therapy when we are sick and need healing, or as prevention to keep us from becoming sick or diseased.
  • It requires eating only necessities to cleanse the digestive system, rest the body and renew the system.
  • James 5:15, Faith and prayer must be joined – Daniel Fast has a 3 fold foundation—faith, prayer and fasting
  • It‘s benefits include eliminating impurities and resting the physical system so that it’s functions can begin to balance themselves.
  • Physical health may be linked to – food choices, level of spiritual commitment/prayer, time commitment and/or testimony commitment/God’s healing power (Fasting for Spiritual Break Through by E. Towns, pgs. 129-141)
  • It is for the BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT  www.daniel-fast.com 


Here are some of the foundations for the Fast and reasons for its structure:

  1. The Daniel Fast in 1:12 and 10:3 is the STRICT DANIEL FAST: (The Bible)
  • DANIEL ate only fruits and vegetables and drank ONLY water (vegetables named specific, fruits assumed)
  • From the verse stating “no meat” (meats had been sacrificed to idols in Babylon and unclean to Jews) or precious breads (delicacies or breads containing yeast) we get NO meat of any kind, or sweeteners, sweets or breads (no yeast was used during a fast, Jewish tradition). [Wallis & Towns]
  • This would include processed foods and added chemicals to foods. (impurities and toxins, poisonous to the body)
  • His Fast lasted 10 days in chapter 1 and 21 days in chapter 10.

The Daniel Fast as practiced by New Birth includes;

  • Chicken, fish and turkey (NOT FRIED)
  • Juices 100% pure
  • Butter or olive oil (virgin/natural)
  • Organic items (READ THE LABEL)
  • Dairy (eggs, yogurt, cheeses) optional.
  • Bread (whole wheat, Rye or Oat bread with NO preservative) optional.
  • Foods to avoid and examples of foods encouraged are listed below
  • Time period designated by Pastor, usually during the Lenten Season.



This section includes adverse effects, the effects on the body and health risks from CONSUMPTION OR OVER CONSUMPTION. (Help Lord the Devil Wants Me Fat by C. B. Lovett, pgs. 18-30)

  • MEAT (Pork, Beef and Lamb); some reasons Meat can be unhealthy…

Meat begins to decompose as soon as it is killed, even with preservatives like salt and preventatives like the refrigerator.  The complete digestion of meat takes 72 – 96 hours and continues to putrefy in the intestines; absorption by the small intestines takes 4-4 ½ hours (rather than 2 -2 ½ hours for grains and vegetables).  The undigested foods begin a toxic buildup; this toxic buildup must be eliminated by the body.  The body is designed to absorb nutrients during digestion by way of the small intestines.  Purification produces toxins and amines that accumulate in the liver, kidneys and large intestines and absorbed into the blood, lymphatic and nervous systems and the brain.  Saturated fatty acids, accumulate in and around vital organs and blood vessels.

Associated Health Risk

  1. The indigestible materials, such as fiber, must the go thru the large intestines (colon) that is responsible for absorbing the water… but because meat has NO FIBER and the only thing that is remaining is primarily fat, the fat clogs the colon.
  2. Promotes heart disease – according to a study in The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition… Livestock that are fed grain have more omega-6 fat in their meat products, which may promote heart disease, from over consumption of RED MEAT.
  3. Constipation, cancer, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis can be caused by fat clogging the colon during digestion.
  4. Causes increased breathing, body requires more oxygen in the blood stream to compensate for elevated cholesterol in the blood stream.  (“The Problem of Meat and Dairy Products”) 


  1. Saturated fats contribute to elevated cholesterol levels.


Margarine and shortening (oils) are used to flavor, moisten and textures foods, especially during frying.  These products are high in fat or trans fats.  Doughnuts, crackers, cookies and potato chips are examples of foods high in trans fats.  Trans fats is the adding of hydrogen to vegetable oil to increase flavor stability and self-life.  (“The Dangers of Trans Fats”)

Associated Health Risk

  1. Research shows the consumption of trans fatty acids promotes heart disease, cancer, diabetes, immune dysfunction, obesity and reproductive problems.
  2. Increase the risk of obesity and cancer.
  3. High in cholesterol and saturated fats causing a clogging of the arteries that can result in heart disease or strokes. 



  1. High fructose corn syrup-ALL FRUCTOSE MUST BE METABOLIZED BY THE LIVER, causing the organ to be overtaxed.
  2. High fructose diets develop liver problems similar to alcoholics 
  3. Aspartame, used in diet sodas, is a potent neurotoxin and endocrine disrupter.
  4. Caffeine
  5. Phosphoric acid, added to sodas to give it “bite”, associated with calcium loss
  6. Citric acid contains traces of MSG, a neurotoxin
  7. Artificial flavors may contain traces of MSG
  8. Flavored waters may contain high amounts of fluoride and other contaminants

 Associated Health Risk

  1. GI Distress- this includes increased stomach acid levels requiring acid inhibitors and moderate to severe gastric inflammation with possible stomach erosion
  2. Bone fractures--- from loss of calcium.
  3. Tooth decay

  • REFINED SUGAR (white)

Processing of refined (white) sugars

Refined sugar is also known by many names, including sucrose, table sugar, cane sugar, beet sugar, grape sugar, or granulated sugar.  It is derived from the juice of sugar cane and sugar beets.  Once extracted, the juice of the sugar cane and sugar beet, it is processed extensively to produce a white granulated substance.  Sugar has been associated with premature aging, various cancers, yeast infections, exacerbating PMS and suppresses the immune system. (“146 Reasons Why Sugar Is Ruining Your Health”)

Associated Health Risk

  1. Contains empty calories
  2. A contributing factor in Obesity
  3. Drains and leaches the body of precious vitamins and minerals through the demand for its digestion, detoxification and elimination makes upon one’s entire system
  4. Causes tooth decay and weak bones--- refined sugars produce a continuously over ACID condition.  To protect the blood, calcium is taken from the bones and teeth that decay and generally weakening begin
  5. Causes strong mal-effect on the functioning of the brain.  Causes Vitamin B to become low, causing sleepiness, ability to calculate and memory loss.

These things are added to food to prevent or slow down spoilage of the foods.  Preservatives or additives can be natural or synthetic.  The synthetic additives are made of chemicals that can be toxic (poisonous), a carcinogenic (linked to cancer) or an allergenic (linked to allergic reactions).  Most additives, 3,640 of them, are used to make food look appealing, and these are the most harmful. (“Additives and Preservatives in Foods”)

Associated Health Risk

  1. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, allergies, diverticulitis, emphysema, stomach ulcers, impotence and arthritis

Examples: Flavorings …………….. artificial (Power of Prayer & Fasting by                            Marilyn Hickey pg. 91)

  Dyes ……………………….. FD & C colors

  Benzoic acid……………. soft drinks, margarine

  Nitrates ……………. bacon, lunch meats, processed meats

  Ascorbic acid…………….. fruit juices, jams, fruit products

  BHA or BHT …………….. fatty foods, cereals potato chips

  Tocopherols ………. found in oils and shortenings 

  Lecithin …………………..  found in cream cheese, ice cream


Processing of white flour

White flour is the removal of the bran and germ from the wheat, containing 76% of the vitamins and minerals; 97% of the fiber is also lost. This remaining portion is then bleached, preserved and aged with chlorine dioxide; and synthetic vitamins and mineral are added “enriched”.  This has very little value to the body. (“The Danger of White Flour”)

Associated Health Risk

The function of the pancreas is to protect the body from disease.  The tremendous amount of strain placed on it when it is forced to try to protect the body from chemicals.  It then cannot adequately perform its critical role of protecting the body from disease ….. the immune system. 


Processed similar to White Flour, the nutrients are removed.  To create white rice, the germ and outer husk (bran) is removed and the grain is polished with glucose or talc.  A substantial amount of nutrients (Vit. E, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vit. B6, Thiamin, Folacin, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron and over a dozen more) removed and ¾ of the fiber content is gone. (“Brown Rice vs. White Rice”)

  • CAFFEINE AND ALL PRDUCT CONTAINING IT (coffee, teas. Hot chocolate, sports drinks... check the label even herbal teas may contain caffeine)

Associated Health Risk

  1. Caffeine is a stimulant that effects the central nervous system.  It can speed up heart and respiratory rates, delay sleep (insomnia) and dehydration due to the increase in urine production
  2. Short term effect…. Premenstrual syndrome, jitteriness, ulcers
  3. Long term effects … because caffeine can be mildly addictive, withdrawal symptoms can result like headaches, tremors, palpations and anxiety.

One example being Aspartame or NutraSweet, which has been associated with cancer (brain), diabetes and other negative effects on the body. (“Aspartame’s Hidden Dangers”)

EXAMPLES OF FOOD YOU MAY EAT:  (during the Fast and generally good for the body)

  • All Whole grains including brown rice, oats, barley, rye and wheat.
  • Legumes:  all dried beans including pinto beans, split peas, black-eyed peas and lentils.
  • All Fruits fresh or frozen (canned may have additives, read the label) including apples, apricots, bananas, all berries, all melons, all citrus, cherries, grapes, guava, kiwi, mangoes, peaches, nectarines, pineapple, pears, plums, prunes, figs, raisins.
  • All Vegetables fresh or frozen (canned may have additives, read the label) including asparagus, artichokes, beets, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chili peppers, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, gingerroot, leeks, all greens, lettuce, mushrooms, okra, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, radishes, rutabagas, scallions, turnips, zucchini.
  • All seeds, nuts and sprouts
  • Liquids: spring water, distilled water, 100% all natural fruit juices and vegetable juices.
  • Sweeteners: stevia (natural) or honey (organic).


Theme of the Fast – fasting and prayer (M. Hickey pgs. 50-59):  your goal in fasting is to become closer to God by voluntarily denying the demands of the flesh, to increase your prayer life, and to study the scriptures with new intensity. When the fast is over, you should have a new spiritual strength from overcoming cravings that usually control your life and hinder you from dedicating yourself to God.  Keeping a fast journal will help you revisit lessons learned through your prayer and study, to keep them “fresh” in your mind and your daily walk.

Following your own conscience: the precise details of your fast are between you and God.  In chapter 14 of Romans (The Bible), the Apostle Paul describes how we should relate in love to one another in the matter of what we eat or choose not to eat.  He says, “Each person is free to follow the convictions of his own consciences.”  If you fast often, you may need to turn up your fasting to another level, during this time, by increasing the length of time or sacrifice (example, go down to 2 meals per day or even 1)  made during the Daniel Fast.  If this is your first experience with fasting, you may not be able to endure as many restrictions, remember this is NOT a failure.  If you falter one day, don’t beat yourself up;

Pray and start anew! 

Develop a “fasting lifestyle” that increasingly accommodates God and not the flesh.

Accountability and support groups:  to encourage one another.  It may be helpful for some to meet or call each other for support and prayer.  It helps to be accountable to someone in some cases--- remember not to condemn if someone falters, but to help them start over; remember to walk in love and mercy!

Overview of the fast:  during this time the body is detoxified from chemicals in our food and drink—you may experience headaches or even body aches for a short period of time.  If you have any health issues check with your doctor before starting the fast.  If you don’t already do so, the introduction of a natural multivitamin-mineral supplement is advised during the fast and continue after it is over (the cleansing enable the supplements to be used by the body more efficiently).


The Bible 

“The Power of Prayer & Fasting” by Marilyn Hickey

“Help Lord… the Devil Wants me Fat” by C. S. Lovett

“Fasting for Spiritual Break Through” by Elmer L. Towns

“God’s Chosen Fast” by Arthur Wallis

Wed site: www.daniel-fast.com

“Aspartame’s Hidden Dangers” http://wwwmercola.com/article/aspartame/hidden_dangers.htm 

“Brown Rice vs. White Rice”


“The Dangers of White Flour”   


“The Dangers of Trans Fat”  http://www.transfatfree.com/pages/danger_trans_fat.htm 

“The Problem of Meat and Dairy Products” http://home.ae.nl/users/lightnet/health/meat.htm 

“146 Reasons Why Sugar Is Ruining Your Health”  http://www.eheumatic.org/sugar.htm 


 “The Power of Prayer & fasting” by Ronnie W. Floyd

“Diets High in Meat Consumption Associated with Obesity” http://www.jhsph.edu/publichealthnews/press_releases/2009/wang_meat_consumption_obesity   

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