Men’s Fellowship (1st only) 7:00 pm
Women’s Fellowship (2nd only) 7:00 pm
Single’s Fellowship (3rd only) 7:00 pm
Seniors on the Move (4th only) 7:00 pm
SWAT (Soul Winning Assurance Team) training (3rd) 7:00 pm
Senior Choir rehearsals 8:30 am
NBCM Dancers 9:00 am teen sanctuary
Musicians Practice 10:00 am
Anointed Youth and God’s Little Wonders….. 10:00 am
Deaf Ministry #104…. 10:00 am ( 2nd and 4th )
Youth Mimes #205 … 11:00 am
Worship/Praise Team Rehearsals 11:15 am
Teen/Young Adult Choir !:00 pm main
Youth (Kids’) Choir 5 – 6 pm Teen sanctuary
Altar call/prayer 1st service 8:50 am
Hour of Power 9:00 am
Sunday School and New Members Classes 10:30 … various classes
Nurses mtg (3rd) 10:30 #212
Ushers mtg (2nd/4th) 10:30 #212
Greeters mtg (2nd every other month) 10:30 am #212
Altar call/Prayer 2nd service 11:15 am
Morning Worship service 11:30 am
Junior Church 11:30 am classrooms
Young Adult Service 11:30 am Teen/Young Adult sanctuary (2nd)